[Buddha-l] A ltter concerning toleration

Bruce Burrill brburl at mailbag.com
Wed Jun 1 08:17:11 MDT 2005

>  Mr. Hayes is a self professed former Communist (I have grave doubts about
>the former part - I believe in one of his recent e-mails he described
>himself as a Marxist Quaker).

Great googaly moogaly!!!! Richard, are you really a pinko? A commie at 
heart? Is Dan Lusthaus really a pinhead?

-->Mine eyes have seen the horror of the coming of the Reds,
They are hiding in the closets, they are hiding 'neath the beds...<-- - Mad 

Geez, Steve, you state:

---"Mr.. Hayes constantly belittles Buddhist sutras he does not agree with
(the Lotus Sutra) and feels it is O.K. "

Well, then he'll get bad breath and go to hell, correct?

---"He has ridiculed the Hua-Yen and T'ien T'ai which many people feel are 
the highest level of Buddhist thought."

But then many Mahayanists feel it is okay to ridicule the Theravada, which 
many people hold is the true teaching of the Buddha, calling it hinayana, 
the garbage vehicle. You would not happen to be one of those, would you?

But the bottom line, here, Steve, for all of Richard's many failings, you 
are the one looking schmuckly here. A bit like a disgruntled religious 
fanatic, who needs to have a bit of a thicker skin, or who simply needs to 
go elsewhere where he will hear what he wants. Try e-sangha. The 
anti-intellectual, anti-academic ethos there may be just the thing for you

As Trungpa would say,

Good luck to you, sir.

Bruce (not a commie, but a Vietnam era Conscientious Objector who finds the 
present course our country objectionable,  and who finds the Lotus Sutra as 
being an expression of the true meaning of hinayana. Are you going to write 
my employers? I take care of sick people. How could you possibly want me to 
do that when I think the Lotus Sutra sucks toenails?)

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