[Buddha-l] Animals have Soul? Cool...

Erik Hoogcarspel jehms at xs4all.nl
Wed Apr 13 02:09:52 MDT 2005

Malcolm Dean schreef:

>>The Catholic view is that animals have souls, they just are not rational
>>or intellectual souls.
>>Stan Ziobro
>What's you're sorce, Stan? I seem to remember a scene from Eco's 'In the Name of the Rose' where the young monk was instructed that it was alright to eat flesh which does not have a soul. Most of the Catholic dialog I have seen on the Web takes the measure of this question as being whether animals and pets will arrive in Heaven, along with the Lucky Few, and avoid the abysmal fate reserved for the rest of us (Buddhists).
Not to mention the famous debate in 1550 between padre Las Casas and 
general Seculveda on the issue whether Indians had a soul or not. Of 
course there was personal interest involved,. If they did have a soul, 
the general had some thousands murders to answer for and if not the 
conversions of the padre had been of no use.


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