Fw: [Buddha-l] Moment of individuation [was: This pope]
Vicente Gonzalez
vicen.bcn at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 18:15:01 MDT 2005
rgm> So there must be animals in heaven! But can you tell me what authoritive
rgm> text says that animals have souls. If they do, then why are Catholics not
rgm> vegetarian or vegan? Is this what's meant by 'soul food'? I was brought up
rgm> a Catholic, and this view is totally contrary to all I was taught.
yes, in Catholics the animals have souls, a minor soul. There are many
different people in Catholics and always is difficult to know the
correct view, because frequently the doctrine follows politics. In
example, in 1567, Pope Pio V in De salute gregis dominici condemned
bullfighters and the killing of animals as anathema, prohibiting
forever the torture of animals ("ad perpetuam rei memoriam"). Also, in
the last century, Pope Paul VI qualified bullfighters as the "demon's
work". However, today the Catholic church avoid any pronouncement in
this topic, despite the many requirements of the animal rights
organizations. In a mystic side, Eckhart says that by us, the animals
can go to God. And also some people cites that Christ born among
animals to teach us that they are our brothers.
Similar problems appears in other topics as the abortion.
Gregorio IX in 13th century considered the death of a fetus just an
homicide, and only when he was fully developed. And according St.
Thomas, the soul enters in the body at 40 days (80 in the female).
The abortion as a "murder" performed in the first moment of
conception, it appears in 1869 by means Pope Pío IX.
Coinciding with the Vatican opposition to the Irak war, many people
know by means the infamous "Da Vinci Code", that many Christians were
vegetarian. This people were persecuted or burned in blazes. However,
also there are catholics monks who are vegetarians, in example the
Cister order. Knowing why many catholics are interested in those
heretics instead some nice catholics alternatives, it is difficult to
know. By following politics instead a clear interpretation, the
Catholic hierarchy can defend the more disparate things according the
times. And of course, also she is attacked according similar worldly
interests of another people. It is that type of world business.
sometimes also beloved in this list.
In the animals matter, the last rectification of the Vatican Church
appeared few years ago, in 1990, underlaying the divine essence in the
animals. It was needed seeing the state of this planet. Nevertheless,
it appears too late, and under that new invention called Ecology, which
has been the main cause to rescue this connection after many centuries
of an implacable theist conquest. This connection with animals is
cut in the Old Gospel, probably not in Christ. Although the real work
appears later, in the eradication of the ancient cult of the pagan god
of beasts and Nature. Many people celebrated parties in his honor,
bringing some goat to preside the event, Frequently, they ended up in
orgies. These parties also were useful to avoid endogamy in villages.
By means parties and sex, it was a very strong connection with the old
world, difficult to eradicate.
The definitive solution was assuming the goat representation as the
same Devil. In this way,Satan is a poor goat in this silly world. As a
coincidence, until 19th, in bullfighters the bull was never killed but
the people jumped above him. As the same Pope said when still he was
not under some drugs treatment, we are seeing in the History how
Satan can be dressed with religious robes,
This days some people says he was a saint. Who knows. He had a long
life when the previous one he only lasted one month. Maybe he had
some divine help. Or maybe the help was for the previous one.
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