[Buddha-l] Students as potential spooks?

Richard Basham bshmr at aol.com
Sun Jan 22 16:50:36 MST 2012

{Richard Hayes}: "I knew the CIA was recruiting people in the 1960s when
I was an undergraduate, so it's not that this is news to me. But the
fact remains that I find it disgusting and disheartening, just as I find
it disgusting that the only way that many students in a poor state can
afford an education is to sell their bodies and minds to the military."

Me, too, all points. Or, given your proximity to Arizona, "Ditto, ditto,
ditto" <G>.

An under-graduate amusement was the FBI recruiting accounting students;
while, the CIA attracted some real characters given activity in SEA at
the time. And, State provided the cover title of 'business attache' for
a few.

And, I do vividly recall a prof who felt betrayed that his own graduate
fellowship grant through some civilian org (front) entitled the CIA to
all of his personal (genealogy, IIRC) as well as academic research
(legal) in South America. Seems to have been used in some oppressive
regime change scheme.

Locally and nowadays, a couple of ex-reverends profess to have had roles
though I forget how and when they became involved. 

Can't say any, including NSA/DARPA dudes known, were well-adjusted in
the usual sense of the term. 

BTW, we are near a 'military command college' which is scary, too. Those
walk the halls talking coups, war, and crazy-making as brands and
products, etc.

Richard Basham

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